Create your brand with a Safety Lemon design.
From album covers to web design we’ve got you covered.

The venerable musician commissioned this logo for the headstock of custom made guitars.
Musical duo The New Customs logo inspired by the cross country touring done by the band over their 5+ years as road warriors.

The annual Crankie Festival founded by Home Routes in Winnipeg Mb. brings together the music loving community from across the the nation for the 2019 “in honour of Mitch Podolak” inspired festival.

House concerts across the nation find their home base at the house on walnut street in Winnipeg. Home Routes Chemin Chez Nous making spaces for artists for over 20 years.

Nova Scotia’s finest gather at the Rejigged Festival for a celebration of New Trad music art and dance each fall. It was our honour to design their brand for 2020.

Family made honey since 1984 the team behind Phil’s Honey is one of the treasures of the Manitoba farmers market community.

Website Design
Marketing made to meet the challenges of 2021 and beyond.
Check out some of the websites
designed by Safety Lemon
Album Artwork

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